Image by Jorge Serra



Undertow was nominated for 3 Matilda Awards (2021)

Best New Australian Work
Best Independent Production
Best Sound Design (Guy Webster)

Undertow is a powerful and impactful piece that explores themes of resilience, mental health, relationships, empathy and identity.

It is an honest and powerful look at the hidden forces, beneath the surface that move us and determine the choices we make and the actions we take. Centering around a high school community, the show follows a group of individuals, from a range of backgrounds, all dealing with their own unique challenges.

Shock Therapy draw on a range of film conventions and physical theatre techniques to push their signature style in a new direction, blurring the line between different realities. The result is storytelling that is fluid and inventive, sweeping you up in its current as the story pulls you deeper.

“Undertow” is a taut show that packs a punch in its honest and powerful exploration of the themes of resilience

 - Blue Curtains. 

Written, Directed and Starring: HAYDEN JONES AND SAM FOSTER. Please contact us for more information.